The Dichotomies are the terms, such as Introvert or Extravert, that are usually associated with personality type and the Myers Briggs system.
Introvert vs. Extravert
- Introverts charge their energy when they’re alone and expend it in the outside world from an internal ‘energy bank’. They’re primarily oriented to their thoughts and their inner world.
- Extraverts charge their energy by interacting with the outside world. They’re primarily oriented externally.
Sensor vs. iNtuitive
- Sensors perceive the world directly through their senses. They tend to be more grounded and practical.
- iNtuitives perceive the world through abstract pattern recognition. They tend to think more in terms of big ideas and possibilities.
Feeler vs. Thinker
- Feelers evaluate information primarily on the basis of it’s emotional implications.
- Thinkers evaluate information primarily on the basis of it’s logical implications.
Judger vs. Perceiver
- Judgers prefer to have things settled and organized in the external world and to enjoy freedom in their inner world.
- Perceivers prefer to have things settled and organized internally and to enjoy freedom in the outside world.