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  • Cognitive Function – mental processes that perceive and evaluation information
  • Feeler – a person who’s feeling process is higher in their function order than their thinking process. They tend to be more oriented to the feelings of themselves or other in their decision making process rather than using logic as the primary criteria.
  • Introvert – a person who’s primary cognitive function is oriented to the inner world
  • iNtuition – a method of perception that uses abstract pattern recognition
  • iNtuitive – a person who’s intuitive function is higher in their function order than their sensory function
  • Extravert – a person who’s primary cognitive function is oriented to the outer world
  • Judger – a person who’s primary perceiving process is introverted
  • Judging function – a cognitive function that evaluates information
  • MBTI – the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. A test designed to asses a person’s type. Developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. Originally published in 1962.
  • Myers-Briggs – a theory of personality based on the work of Carl Jung
  • Perceiver – a person who’s primary perceiving process is extraverted
  • Perceiving function– a cognitive function that take in information, either through literal sensory input or abstract pattern recognition
  • Sensor – a person who’s primary perceiving process is through direct sensory input
  • Thinker –  a person who’s thinking process is higher in their function order than their feeling process. They tend to be more oriented towards logical accuracy or effectiveness in their decision making process rather than feeling.
  • Type – one of 16 personality profiles based on the 16 functional combinations of the cognitive functions.

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